Photography began as a passion project for Kendell, doing photos for rescue dogs to raise their adoption rates. This led to shooting yogis…then weddings…then real estate…and now commercial projects. Api has grown into an amazing team with phenomenal clients and we’d love to show you how easy it is to work with us! Get to know our amazing team below.


The folks who keep APi running


Kendell MacLeod

Head Photographer

Highly skilled at texting on the fly, knows yoga stuff, and puts paint on a canvas well. Kendell is tall, really tall. She’s great for reaching things your clients can’t reach.

DJ Long Api Photographer

DJ Long

360/videography/drone pilot

Lives up to his last name cause he is also tall. DJ has a background in Autism Therapy and came over to Api because he fell in love with Kendell (sucker!). Now he helps keep things going strong at Api and handles 360 tours, videography, and drone work.


Second Photographer

Kieran has extensive experience with multiple facets of photography and brings an excellent eye to real estate photography. When he isn’t shooting houses you can find him capturing events, shows, and taking dramatic night shots around the city.


Bugger for walks/eater of treats

The shortest of the group and the reason we work so hard. Gus is head of Barkccounting and you have to deal with him if you don’t pay your bills.



Jim MacLeod

Invoices and Payments go through Mr. Macleod. He has a radio voice that commands attention and deserves being called MR.

He is Kendells father and the walker of Gus.

Be nice to Gus’ Grandpa or you have to deal with Gus.