Four ways to make your listing stand out

Real Estate Photography in Hamilton | Burlington | Waterdown | Grimsby | Oakville | Mississauga | Niagara


As busy Hamilton Real Estate photographers that are in and out of a lot of homes every week, we get asked by home owners about what they can do to have their listing stand apart. Let’s have a look at four things real estate agents can do with their listing to get the best possible result for their homeowners:

Great Presentation:

Presenting a home really well is a key step in making sure your listings stand out.

One real estate agency in Australia surveyed their 50 top-performing agents on the importance of home presentation, and whether they believed that staging and styling a property will achieve a higher sales price. In their survey 98% felt that styling a home the right way can achieve a higther sale price. Furthermore, 92% of agents surveyed said that styling a home could achieve a quicker sale.

So what styling tips do agents recommend?

Decluttering is the most popular way to make a huge difference in your listing. That involves hiding or removing items in a room so that there is less sitting around a room. When there is too much clutter a room feels smaller, and that’s the opposite of what new home buyers are looking for.

However, sometimes more significant steps are needed, especially when the agent or seller are hoping for a top price. Over at The New York Times they recount a story of one homeowner who put their home on the market after taking steps to declutter, but maintained the owner’s eclectic mix of furniture. The home failed to sell, even after dropping the price from $1.85 million down to $1.65 million. Eventually the selling agent convinced the owners to bring in a professional home stager, and they removed the owner’s furniture and added new contemporary pieces.

The place was “mobbed” at the first open home, and with a crowd of buyers they were able to achieve a successful sale for $1.8 million.

As Jane Saidenberg, the design director of Studio D noted:

“It’s not just about solving a problem now, but much more about presenting a lifestyle to prospective buyers.”

Why are buyers expecting such levels of staging, especially in the larger and growing cities like Hamilton Ontario? It may be due to the abundance of real estate and renovation shows that are now on TV showing immaculately staged and presented homes (think about those amazing renovation jobs Bobby Berk does on QueerEye), and so when they arrive at a home they expect that high standard to be there. If the property is presented looking dated or unfashionable then buyers will either walk out, or expect to pay a lower price than they would for a listing that is staged and presented beautifully.

Be Present For The Photo Shoot:

If your home is not professionally staged and vacant (thus ensuring things are in the right place for the photographer), it is important for the agent to be there for the shoot. Often questions arise about wether something should or shouldn't be in a photo. Some real estate agents never turn up for a photo shoot, or if they are there then they push the photographer to move through as quickly as possible so the agent can ‘get to an appointment’. Agents that treat their listings this way are missing the point and not helping their listing.

A well-orchestrated photo shoot, where the agent and home owner have done the prep work and have the house ready to shoot, will help the photographer be able to create compelling images that present the home in the best possible way. A ready house will get the best possible result.

The homeowners love to see the agent during the photo shoot as well, and with the agent present it allows the photographer to focus on creating great images rather than be distracted by the owner, kids, or pets, or other matters that can make their time more difficult than it needs to be.

Use Drone Shots … When It’s Appropriate To Do So:

There is absolutely a time and a place for a drone shot, and they certainly can get the attention of buyers.

Got a listing with a great location? Use a drone to show how close it is to a local landmark or the city.

Got a large property with lots of space? Use a drone to show the size of the property.

Got a listing on the water? Use a drone to get a clear view of the home and the waterfront.

Got a small property that’s very close to neighbors? Don’t use a drone.

Got a property with a bad roof? Don’t use a drone.

Transport Canada has also increased the rules and regulations around drone flying. It is advised to contact your photographer with the address of the listing as early as possible so they can check if they are clear to fly there. It is important to follow the rules since you BOTH will be fined if caught breaking the drone rules.

Just remember that not all drone pilots are created equal. Some drone pilots do crash things:

As one writer noted in this article at Inman – Drones in real estate: 3 things to consider before hiring a pilot:

“Make sure you ask for a testimonial, see previous examples of their work, and ask if they carry general liability insurance. The risk is too high to hire a pilot without these qualifications.”

Share The Listing On Social Media:

The majority of buyers in the Hamilton area are probably using social media on a daily basis, and so you need to make sure you and your listings are there as well. Check out what is being posted on IG, FB, and even on Kijiji to help a property show up on peoples radar.

However, a lot of agents only post photos or links to their latest listings, and I think that’s a mistake. As this comment from AgentImage notes:

“You have to mix it up and share more content on Facebook that peaks the interest of your followers, not just pitching your latest listing. While posting high quality photos of your properties can help you to get more shares and likes, you should also create content that is interesting to your demographic that will create a buzz, generate awareness about the community and real estate market, and solicit feedback and interaction.”

We often tell agents that the money they are putting into the listing we are shooting isn't just for that house. It's for their next listing. Good quality photography and videography builds your brand and reputation. If you have good quality photos, use them for marketing and blogging (please check with the photographer first though since they own the photos and you may need to license the photos from them for uses further than MLS).

In this video Jason Wardrop gives 3 Facebook marketing tips for real estate agents:

His tips for Facebook marketing for real estate agents are:

#1. Create Friends lists in your personal profile and when you share content you can choose to only show it to your buyer and seller connections on Facebook.

#2. Mix business with personal when posting content, whether it’s your personal profile or your business Page.

#3. Commit to your Facebook marketing plan, and make sure you stick at it long-term.